Hiiii GoldinFans :>
Hope you had a wonderful festive season and are having a great start to the new year!
I wrapped the year with a back-to-back schedule of performances at Atlantis, The One and Only and Jumeirah Golf Estates to a thousand plus guests, to then kick off with a four-day event singing my heart out at the Hero Dubai Desert Classic Golf Championship, where I sang my new song and overall was just so much fun. It’s good to be busy and I am so grateful to all my clients for their ongoing trust. Check out my activities on IG at https://www.instagram.com/goldinlisa
Leading us up to my new release, which we somehow managed to master in the thick of December :>
“…nothing I remember made my everything skip heartbeat…”
I didn’t know how this would turn out in studio, as it’s one of my quirkier songwritings. With the nonsensical Yoda-like lyrics…school-girl in love fumbling to find words vibe. And then, the absolute euphoria that “I can finally breathe”…finally!
“HeartBeat” was a LOT of fun in production. The constant pulse of a heartbeat was the first place we started, which then lead to double-time in the chorus and complementing pizzicatos pounding that everlasting love. Accentuating the ground shaking and the angelic feels with effects and the many layers of choral voices “ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah” were sweet spots that left us giggling into our creative crazy to eventually master what we are proud to let you now hear.
Now I know you are thinking, “but I cannot hear it until next Friday, Lisa…” Well have I got news for you…Are you ready?!
• Pre-Save on Spotify https://bit.ly/HeartBeatPreSaveOnSpotify
• Tune in on 25th January 2024 at 20:20-20:40 (SA Time) for HeartBeat first spin debut on Heart FM, Paul Playdon SA Top 10 Show.
• VOTE once per day by clicking the link https://bit.ly/VoteHeartBeatOnHeartFM for HeartBeat to chart the Heart FM SA Top 10 and CTM Top 4.
• Tune in on 31st January 2024 at 20:30 (UAE Time) for an interview with Mark Lloyd on Dubai Eye about “HeartBeat”. Join us by streaming here https://www.dubaieye1038.com/player/ and texting in.
• HeartBeat is available on 2.2.2024 https://song.link/HeartBeatbyLisaGoldin
Because of the people I’m surrounded by that are my HeartBeats, I honestly believe with a whole lotta love, we really can achieve anything and everything…
How about giving HeartBeat some love :>
More news soon…stay in touch!