Hi GoldinFans
How are youhoo?
Whilst soaking up the sun in Bali for two weeks…HeartBeat is still thumping with all its might :>
Here’s an indepth review of how we’re doing…
It’s because of your votes that we are No.5 in the SA Top10 and also No.18 on the CTM Top40 on Heart FM – THANK YOU! Remember to click this everyday https://bit.ly/VoteHeartBeatOnHeartFM :> No.1 is still in our reach…go get it :>
Lisa Goldin performs on Dubai One TV at the DXB Today studio!
“HeartBeat” Featured On Dubai Eye103.8 FM
All your sing Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah-Alongs and sharing has gone all the way…I am very grateful.
WIshing you a beautiful day, as you have made mine :>
Lotsa love
“…nothing I remember made my everything skip heartbeat…”