Hi GoldinFans
Hope you are fine and dandy!
This week I’m going deep… Everyday presents a new challenge…however we somehow learn to rise above it, to reach new heights. Your climb may be something which seems so small; like finally standing up to prejudice adversity, or diffusing a hostile conversation, or attaining that degree even though it is going to sink your savings (for a moment, remember it is only for a blip of your lifeline). However, your milestone, no matter how tiny you think your “you can do anything” is, is something. It is yours. Be proud of it and claim it. Because every stepping stone counts.
There are some weeks in my life and career when I doubt anything is the way I had foreseen it. Also, doesn’t help that people nowadays are more verbally judgy and tactless than ever before; making it an arduous task keeping your head held high. However, and there is always a however, when it comes to good and great people that you surround yourself with regardless of the unmindful ones, they make up for all of it. So no matter how much of a rabbit-hole you feel you are in; pull back the curtains and let the light shine in – let your tribe save you when you need it no matter how big or small. Because there are always believers, waiting to empower and applaud you as a human.
It takes a village, and that small town of amazing hearts is what I am eternally grateful for. Whether you know me as a friend, family member, loved one, work colleague or GoldinFan – you have made the most significant difference in my life. I will always take the time to say ‘hi’ back, because all of that beautiful connectivity matters.
I know…super soppy…however very necessary…because we often forget to stop today and just embrace it all. “HeartBeat” has honestly brought us even closer together – THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU. You have made my heart thump that much harder :>
Okay, okay, I’ll head to what’s popping…!
One of my most favourite things is creating someone’s vision. Having been an Events Producer for many years, I absolutely love chatting to a client in-depth bringing their special celebration to life. We went back on forth on ideas and it was finally showtime. To receive a five-star review isn’t a braggy-gloat but an unassuming-elation. Loved this one! Thanks to Soul Artists for the booking, such a pleasure.
Really wonderful performing “HeartBeat” whilst it was playing on radio on Heart FM in SA, hitting No.10 and going into its 16th week on the chart. As well as playing SA’s favourites, considering I haven’t been home since 2019, it is glorious feeling close in the name of music.
Results are in…No.10 on the SA Top10 (16 weeks!) and No.28 on the CTM Top40 (15 weeks!). Yikes, it is overwhelming :> Keep voting, click https://bit.ly/VoteHeartBeatOnHeartFM for Heart FM SA Top10 and CTM Top40 for #HeartBeat everyday :>
NEW! Vampire – Lisa Goldin [Cover]
This week’s motto is ‘you do not need to do this alone…reach out, let yourself be saved, and soften that hardened heart to someone who makes a positive impact’!
Think of people like good blood-flow for your HeartBeat :> we need them.
Lotsa love
My HeartBeat – Podcast, Episode 13